martedì 25 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Beach of Porto Liscia

at the mouth of the river Liscia

Beach of Porto Liscia
The beach of Porto Liscia, which takes its name from the river that flows in its waters, is the largest among those of the town of Santa Teresa di Gallura.
It stretches between the peninsula Coluccia and Isuledda covering a length of about 8 km.
The beach of Porto Liscia is made of golden sand of granitic and is bathed by a crystal clear sea with a low sandy bottom.
This place is a spot popular with surfers and windsurfers.
Near the beach is the pool of Sciumara that, along the mouth of the Liscia, has created avifauna of great interest.
Beach bar service works.
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