domenica 22 dicembre 2024
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  • » excursions by sea in Gallura

excursions by sea in Gallura

Among the most beautiful experience that the Gallura offers is an excursion on the beautiful clear waters that bathe a coastline of unique charm.
Boats leaving from the port of Santa Teresa Gallura and Palau are many, but better to choose those that are carried by sea professionals, in order to enter in small bays, in those areas of the sea known only to those who fate has their own life, their profession.
For those who have skills and knowledge of the medium and the coast, the best solution is to rent a boat or a sailing boat and venture out to discover an area of rare beauty, dall'arcipelago Maddalena to the coast of France in Corsica , to explore between Lavezzi" and Cavalo deep rich colors and swim among sea bream, sea bass, bream to experience unique emotions!
  • Estasy's Mistral
    to discover the natural wonders of the coast of Gallura
    gite in barca all’Arcipelago Corso e nell’Arcipelago della Maddalena con tappe alle più belle isole per girnate indimenticabili; inoltre servizio taxi e noleggio gommoni...
    Published on: 11/06/2015
  • STG Boat Service
    boats and marine engines
    specialized in boat storage, service, repair and sale Mercury and Evinrude motors of which is authorized official representative, sale and valuation of used engines...
    Published on: 11/06/2015
  • Mediterraneo Rental Service Porto Pozzo
    to experience the holiday in full freedom
    directly on the harbor of Porto Pozzo it offers rental boats of various types for wonderful excursions to the sea as well as cicolomotori and scooters...
    Published on: 11/04/2015
  • Atlantik III
    beautiful traditional wooden gulet of 24 mt.
    a boat of great charm, completely built of wood by skilled craftsmen; its main features are comfort and safety
    Published on: 11/03/2015
  • Tours and rental North West Porto Pozzo
    a perfect address for those who love the sea
    North West Porto Pozzo is more than 25 years a reference for a memorable day on boats that ply these waters crystal clear with the delicacy and love for the things of the heart
    Published on: 09/28/2015
  • Rental and boat trips Baia di Ulisse
    with two separate programs and itineraries
    organizes sightseeing tours in the National Park of La Maddalena and Corsica and offers dinghy rental service, with or without drivers, as well as storage and repair boats...
    Published on: 09/28/2015
  • Marco Polo2 excursions to sea
    enchanting archipelago of La Maddalena
    a day dedicated entirely to the sea, on board the Marco Polo2, is an experience not to be missed in the living room of Gallura...
    Published on: 07/09/2015
  • Mare Lughente - In Fish We Trust!
    Excursions and trips by sea
    aboard Mare Lughente, a boat Rampage 36, equipped with two engines of 370 horsepower, for an unforgettable experience, not only for the holiday, but for the rest of his life ...
    Published on: 07/07/2015
  • Diving Santa Teresa Gallura
    for fans of diving and the underwater world
    Diving Santa Teresa Gallura organizes diving courses for all levels (CMAS, PADI and NADD) and offers rental and sale of diving equipment as well as boat rental service ...
    Published on: 06/23/2015
  • No Limits Center Diving Mediterraneo
    with highly qualified and professional
    It is located in the port of Santa Teresa Gallura, perfect starting point for diving into the clear waters of northern Sardinia, between depths of great charm ...
    Published on: 06/22/2015
  • Consorzio delle Bocche
    hiking along a coastline surprising
    Day trips on routes between Santa Teresa Gallura, the extreme northern tip of Sardinia, the archipelago of La Maddalena with its enchanting islands and the beautiful Costa Smeralda ...
    Published on: 06/17/2015
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