mercoledì 22 gennaio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag
  • Santa Teresa Gallura - il Faro di Capo Testa
  • Santa Teresa Gallura - il porticciolo turistico
  • Santa Teresa Gallura - la Torre spagnola
  • Gallura in quad
  • Santa Teresa Gallura - sito archeologico di Lu Brandali
  • Arcipelago della Maddalena
  • Santa Teresa Gallura - spiaggia di Rena Bianca
  • scorci di Gallura
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Welcome Gallura

a international tourist destination

Among the favorite tourist destinations in the Mediterranean, Santa Teresa Gallura lies on a beautiful stretch of land almost lapping Corsica, overlooking the Strait of Bonifacio that theater, in summer, in one of the most anticipated musical events of Sardinia: Music the Straits.
The territory of Santa Teresa Gallura is a succession of beaches and stretches scoglieri that draw a coastline say the beauty.
Stretches of white sand and rocks that change color with the light of the sun, determine heavenly visions that are being for body and spirit.
The historic center is gathered around the central Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, he attended a meeting with its many bars and shops that enliven the days and nights in the country.
A few meters away waving high and proud the Blue Flag of Europe to dominate the beach of Rena Bianca, topped by a majestic tower Longosarda, historical symbol of Santa Teresa Gallura.
From the village center the route leads to the extreme north of the island, to the natural pearl of the promontory of Capo Testa with its beaches surrounded by greenery of the strawberry tree, myrtle, oleander and a rich Mediterranean vegetation.

Holidays in Gallura Gallura tourism, cultural and territorial promotion association in Santa Teresa Gallura. It promotes stays in Santa Teresa Gallura and all the Gallura area, excursions to visit historic sites and nuraghi, the tombs of the giants and the many archaeological sites of nuraguca era of Gallura and Sardinia. Organizes and offers tour packages and all inclusive offers affordable, you can stay in hotels hotels, B & b residence campsites in Gallura, eat at the best restaurants pizzerias trattorias of Gallura, the organized boat trips to the Archipelago of La Maddalena or independent with the RIB hire , the most trendy and popular spots of Gallura for a drink and a chat, a drink, a snack or the best ice cream parlors and pastry shops of Santa Teresa and the Gallura, the typical traditional crafts of Gallura in the most qualified shops and workshops of Santa Teresa and of Gallura, shopping and the shops of typical products of Gallura and Sardinia, and all the best of Santa Teresa and the Gallura.
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