mercoledì 5 febbraio 2025
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Benvenuto Vermentino 2015

Olbia Friday, 16 and Saturday, October 17

Benvenuto Vermentino 2015
Welcome Vermentino, will for two days the event of Olbia. The bad weather did not stop him, it has only been postponed. Too much desire to promote quality production of Gallura for not giving an immediate signal recovery after emergencies in recent days.
Welcome Vermentino is an initiative included within the project "VertourMer 2.0" - Vermentino between tradition and innovation ", which will take place in Olbia on 16 and 17 October.
The project, now in its second edition, is characterized by a strong component of technological innovation that aims to support the promotion of Vermentino and its territories, trying to promote more effective marketing of local products and support sustainable tourism.
The aim is to encourage cross-border territories in the regions involved (Sardinia, Liguria, Tuscany and Corsica), thanks to the introduction of innovative infrastructure, the creation of new instruments for the promotion and marketing of products of excellence of each territory through the networking of local producers.

Because of the serious emergency caused by bad weather that hit Olbia in recent days, for safety reasons, opportunities and proximity to the population in need, the program has been postponed to Friday and Saturday 16/17 October.
Welcome Vermentino pointing to cooperation between regions in an exchange of experiences and knowledge: "We were very keen to propose it again in the near future, after the stop of two weeks ago, because we felt the interest of many who have grasped the significance of this initiative.
Welcome Vermentino is an event of great importance for the north of Sardinia and is also supported by the Chamber of Commerce of Sassari. It 'an event of disclosure to support a typical production that characterizes this territory. Value that is gathered thanks to the presence of other Italian regions, such as Liguria and Tuscany, and Corsica.
Space Expo Olbia, on Friday with the opening match, and then the center of the city, where, on Saturday afternoon set in five corners degustativi characterized, guests can taste and learn about other ways of interpreting the Vermentino, for a comparison of experiences and knowledge with all project partners such as the City of Castelnuovo Magra (La Spezia), leader of the project will be supported by the Province of La Spezia, the Province of Lucca, by the Municipality of Castagneto Carducci (Livorno), along with the Chambre dell'Agricolture Upper Corsica.

to allow for a smoother flow of the public, it will be closed off to cars from Piazza Regina Margherita to Via Porto Romano from 17.30 and until 24

FRIDAY, Oct. 16, 2015

16.30 - EXPO Olbia - ROUND TABLE
- Project Vertourmer: presenting results and prospects in 2014-20 Programming
- Vermentino The driving force of the local economy and tourism promotion
Project Vertourmer 2.0 - Final event
"Presentation of the results and perspectives in planning 2014 - 2020"

Greetings and introduction
Massimo Putzu - Vice C.C.I.A.A. Sassari - North Sardinia

Institutional greetings
Marco Vargas - Minister for Productive Activities of the Municipality of Olbia
Daniel Montebello - Mayor of Castelnuovo Magra

Technical interventions
Raffaele Miccocci - Director of Tourism Castelnuovo Magra
Christian Higoa - dell'Agricolture Chambre de Haute Corse
Antonio Lo Nigro - Manager Province of Lucca
Patrizia Toninelli - City of Castagneto Carducci

"The Vermentino, an opportunity for the local economy and tourism promotion"
Roberto Cypress - Winemaker and writer
Alessandra Polo - Social Media Strategist - Instagram Specialist
Daniela Pinna - President of the Consortium of Vermentino di Gallura DOCG
Attilia Medda - Association of Italian Sommeliers (AIS) - Delegate Gallura

19.00 - EXPO Olbia
Tasting of a selection of Vermentino from the participating regions (Sardinia, Liguria, Tuscany and Corsica) presented by AIS Sommeliers Sardinia.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Opening of the exhibition spaces within the premises reserved for each of the territories represented: Sardinia (Gallura and Sardinia North West), Liguria, Tuscany and Corsica.
The spaces on the path that will wind from Piazza Regina Margherita and Via Porto Romano (up to the height of the Palace "Olbia Expo").
©Intour Project - sant'Antonio di Gallura (OT) p.iva 02429980903 c.f. RCCBTS68D43B354H
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