mercoledì 5 febbraio 2025
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Carneval 2016 in Sardegna

Santa Teresa Gallura tourism accomodation

Carneval 2016 in Sardegna
very participated appointment and waited for all of Sardinia, Carnival offers an important insight into the Sardinian people, its traditions, its culture. A wide range of spun masked are scheduled during the entire holiday weekend. Among the best known the Carrasciali Timpiesu, but also Mo Carrasciali lunganesu on Carrasegare olbiesu and Carrasciali palaesu. However, each country celebrates this time by organizing one or more days of parade with floats and masks that color and amuse children and adults. Are different and varied forms of celebration involving all of Sardinia, from north to Sardinia Barbagia, dall'oristanese to Ogliastra, dall'Iglesiente to the Campidano of Cagliari, are all occasions to relive and remember stories and habits, customs and traditions island.


Carnival 2016 in Gallura


Carrasciali Tempiesu
Thursday, February 4
Event that draws from the entire Gallura and beyond, a "tribute" to the irreverent powerful King George who is mocked, tried and burned in the square. Long tradition Carrasciali Timpiesu held in Tempio since 1956.
11.00 - Piazza Don Minzoni / Piazza of Italy - The Frisgjola: manufacturing and tasting
from 14.00 - Piazza of Italy - Face Painting
15.00 - Parade of floats, with the 'arrival of His Majesty King George in the city. Ambassadors: Cristian Cocco and Gianluca D'Amico. Participating in the Latin Majorettes of Tempio
17.00 - Dancing in Maschera
23.00 - masked balls, with a dance marathon non-stop for six days!
Friday, February 5
11.00 - Piazza Don Minzoni / Piazza of Italy - The Frisgjola: manufacturing and tasting
11.00 / 13:00 to 17:00 / 21:00 - Street Theatre Festival: animation with characters traveling through the streets of downtown
16.00 - Children Dance
23.00 - masked balls
Saturday, February 6
10.30 - Former bowling Capes - Baton Twirling Majorettes National Stage organized by the Federation N.B.T.A ITALY, in collaboration with A.S.D. Latin Majorettes Temple
11.00 - Piazza Don Minzoni / Piazza of Italy - The Frisgjola: manufacturing and tasting
11.00 / 13:00 to 17:00 / 21:00 - Street Theatre Festival: animation with characters traveling through the streets of downtown
from 15.00 - the first derby "Carrasciali Timpiesu" Trophy "Sgjubbi '" (non-competitive race in collegiate font) in collaboration with the "Marathon Club Temple"
18.00 / 19.00 - Exhibition of the participants in the parade Majorettes groups at the Baton Twirling Stage N.B.T.A ITALY
23.00 - masked balls
Sunday, February 7
11.00 - Piazza Don Minzoni / Piazza of Italy - The Frisgjola: manufacturing and tasting
11.00 / 12.00 - Largo XXV Aprile - Exhibition on parade of participating groups at the Baton Twirling Majorettes Stage N.B.T.A from ITALY
14.00 - Piazza of Italy - Face Painting
15.00 - Parade of floats: Great wedding celebration of King George and Princess Mannena.
Officiates the marriage: Pope Sino II. Ambassadors and Cristian Cocco Gianluca D'Amico, participating Wavers of Arezzo, Fanfare Alpine del Friuli, Majorettes city of Temple, Latin Majorette of Tempio and Majorettes participants Baton Twirling Stage N.B.T.A ITALY, Band City of Temple.
17.00 - Dancing in Maschera
23.00 - masked balls Monday, February 8
11.00 - Piazza Don Minzoni / Piazza of Italy - The Frisgjola: manufacturing and tasting
from 14.00 - Piazza of Italy - Face Painting
15.00 - Piazza Gallura - The Children's Carnival: Parade allegorical with the participation of city schools, the presence of cartoon characters and Latin Majorettes of Tempio - Wavers of Arezzo - Fanfare del Friuli Alpini
16.00 - Children Dance
17.00 - Piazza Gallura - Dancing in Maschera: Shows, entertainment and games for children with the participation of "D.J. Goofy Pig "
23.00 - masked balls Tuesday, February 9 11:00 am - Piazza Don Minzoni / Piazza of Italy - The Frisgjola: production and tasting from
14.00 - Piazza of Italy - Face Painting
15.00 - Parade of floats: ambassadors Cristian Cocco, Benito Urgu and Gianluca D'Amico, participating in the Flag Wavers of Arezzo, the Fanfare Alpini Friuli, the Latin Majorette of Tempio, the Majorettes city of Temple and the City Band Temple.
awards competition floats.
17.00 - Dancing in Maschera
19:00 - Trial of King George with burnt at the stake
19.30 - Fireworks display
20.00 - Largo XXV Aprile - Musicolor: musical "colorful" in collaboration with "Skroll EVENTS"
23.00 - masked balls

see location map attached
The yellow line indicates the route of the parade, the Blue Line the area closed to traffic; the cost of the ticket to watch the parade from the Tribune is 5 €
List of floats 2016
1. The Owls of Renzi (FOLK GROUP)
2. The rain dance (NEw GROUP)
4. The last puff ... German Truff, Truff ... (VAMPIRES)
5. The return of Super-Heroes (LA cionfra)
6. Burrularock (LA BURRULA AGGJESA)
8. Cirque du Soleil (OF THOSE KARNEVALE)
9. The genie (OLD GUARD)
10. Magala Maga Magic (THE TRIBE ')
11. Save the hospital (CARNIVAL PASSION)


OLBIA On Carrasegare Olbiesu
Thursday, February 4
day dedicated mainly to children and to the tradition: in Piazza Crispi, from 15.30, will be held "The Grand Gala of the beans with lard", an ode to tradition, accompanied by carnival music and entertainment for children, in the company of IES Events, with the parade Masha and Bear, Frozen, Mickey and friends of Walt Disney family; magic, face painting and many baby dances dedicated to children with the distribution of pancakes. The day will see the participation of the Association of Chefs of Gallura engaged in the baking dish, the beans with lard; dish that will be distributed from 18:30, accompanied by music and entertainment of the accordion duo Danilo and Mirko Putzu.
Friday, February 5
from 16.30, with the second edition of the training course "Carnival in the kitchen", with the All'intenro Carnival landing Airport Costa Smeralda (where parking will be free for participants).
To 16.30 is expected the performance of the Small Airport choir, followed, from 17.00, the start of a great party with departures Hall turned into a game room, with the animation of Masha and Bear, Frozen, Mickey , magic show and face painting, while adults will be engaged in the Central Hall in the preparation of pancakes, donuts, crackers, waffles, with a section devoted to "food intolerance." To subscribe, simply send an email to the association at or go directly to the airport.
Between Piazza Regina Margherita and via Fausania, will host the second edition of the "Sing along - masked Music", a big karaoke in olbiese sauce, open to children from the years. For entries is sufficient contact the store Bimbisì via Fausania.
Saturday, February 6
8:30 II edition of the Carnival Rally, appointment to the John Paul II Hospital Transfusion Centre of Olbia for a collection in the mask, made by the association Friends of the Carnival, with the collaboration of capicarro and set, and the town of Avis young group of Avis and ASL Olbia (Transfusion Centre);
continue at 15.30, in Piazza Crispi, with the "Grand Gala Frittellata" entertainment for children, in the company of IES Events, with the parade Masha and Bear, Frozen, Mickey and his friends of the Walt Disney family; the magic of Hermini magician, face painting and many baby dancing for the little ones, and then arrive at 18.30 with the distribution of delicious steaming pancakes, made in collaboration with the Chefs Association of Gallura and the music and the dancers of Let's dance group.
Sunday, February 7
First parade of floats, with departure at 14:30 from via Escriva (path: Viale Umberto, Corso Umberto, via Mameli, Via Roma, Via Redipuglia, meeting in Piazza Crispi); the arrival of the wagons in Piazza Crispi (around 18.30), in the company of music dj Alessio Degortes and Latin American animation with friends of Baila school and the teachers Tolly, Manu and Ale.
Monday, February 8
Corso Umberto will host the "Children's Day", organized by Confcommercio: from 17 hours, beginning "Face Painting" and realization masks; from 17:45 small parade in Corso Umberto, which will end at 18.30 with the "Battle of Confetti" and the award ceremony of Showcase "as" Beautiful, "the most" original "more" colorful.
From 20 pancakes for all.
Tuesday, February 9
scheduled for the second parade of floats, departing at 14.30, Via Galvani (Route: Via D'Annunzio, Via Nanni, Umberto avenue, Corso Umberto, Via Regina Elena, Via Roma, Via Redipuglia). Upon arrival of the wagons in Piazza Crispi (around 18.30), in the company of music dj Alessio Degortes and Latin American animation with friends of Baila school and the teachers Tolly, Manu and Ale. Lasted the event, hosted by presenters Stefania Costa and Stefano Biancu, are planned extraction of lottery tickets Su Carrasegare olbiesu 2016, the awarding of the "masked the City" competitions, with the participation of floats, and l ' prize drawing of the "lottery of Su Carrasegare olbiesu 2016.


Carrasciali Lungunesu
Thursday, February 4 at 14.30 "Lu Bandiu" Saturday, February 6th at 14.30 parade in Porto Pozzo
Sunday, February 7 at 14.30 parade in Santa Teresa Gallura
Friday, February 12 at 18.00 "Pentolaccia in maschera" at Ruoni
Saturday, February 13 at 14.30 Closing parade

Carnival in Santa Teresa Gallura
Pearl Harbour (harbor)
6 days of Carnival nostop 4 to 9 February


Lu Carrasciali Palaesu
With the masked ball for children kicks off, Fat Thursday, February 4, the three-day celebrations of Lu Carrasciali Palaesu. Tuesday 9 and Saturday, February 13 parades of floats and masked groups. extraordinary guests groups of Tempio's carnival and the flag-wavers of Iglesias.
The LU BULDEDDU group presents the wagon "THE WAR OF SARDI"
The SCIENCE alkyl group presents the wagon "THIEVES IN THIS WORLD"
The group's LAST ARRIATI presents the wagon "minions".
The HAI beddu FLASH group presents the wagon "FIGURE SKATING"
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