domenica 9 marzo 2025
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Agriturismo Agricamping La Cerra

in the green heart of Gallura

Agriturismo Agricamping La Cerra
Staying in La Cerra is an experience that combines relaxation and active life, in direct contact with the rich Mediterranean vegetation and a nature that here welcomes highly suggestive and particularly original expressions. The setting of Agriturismo Agricamping La Cerra is the heights that are the background, where Monte Pulchiana stands out in the center, a large polished boulder shaped like a panettone that is a destination for lovers of free climbing and bouldering, a discipline that attracts enthusiasts from every part of the world.
From the La Cerra farm you start for simple walks along trails suitable for everyone, as well as for climbing that lead to the top of Monte Pulchiana through the large boulders that lie next to it. The accommodation solution is given by bedrooms, simple and essential, with private bathrooms and an outdoor terrace overlooking the surrounding landscape.
There is a fully equipped environment to make your holiday independent, with a lounge for breakfast or for the preparation of meals, thanks to the kitchen and the equipment of all necessary equipment.
As an alternative you can taste the specialties offered by La Cerra, always in the spirit of the communion with the territory. The dishes recall the traditions of Gallura and the specialties brought to the table are prepared with the use of healthy and genuine ingredients, from vegetables picked in the large home garden, to carefully selected meats from the family breeding, to homemade pasta to offer the typical Chiusoni, Fiuritti, Puliljioni, Gallura soup, Pan'a fitti and more ...

Like every Gallura stazzo, also La Cerra respects the rules of the traditions also in the breeding that is based, therefore, on the cattle in the wild, then goats, hens, chickens, while a dozen hives assure the stock of the precious honey of Mediterranean scrub.
In the pantry of the kitchen there are also the fruits of the forest and the scrubland, from mushrooms to wild asparagus to myrtle, with the berries of which the myrtle liqueur is prepared at the end of the meals as an inevitable digestive.

Equipped with a photovoltaic system for ecologically sustainable tourism, the structure houses an area used as a Agricampeggio, the perfect solution to immerse yourself totally in the green of this little corner of paradise.
La Cerra offers trekking, mountain biking, bouldering and bird watching equipment for guests.

Agriturismo Agricamping La Cerra is also a cultural center in northern Sardinia and offers spaces and facilities for organizing meetings, seminars and courses.
La Cerra is a true philosophy of life that comes from the desire to share the Gallura and Sardinia, in its perfumes and colors, given by the wide expanses of cork trees that tell the ancient story of a people that has developed and it has grown in perfect harmony with this land, which lives in symbiosis with this nature to which it owes much of its knowledge, which has formed strong people, aware of the value of this heritage. People of a rural people who knew how to preserve this immense common good and that still today, wisely, guards with so much care and passion, because this is where the history of this ancient land originates.

Living here is going back in time, rediscovering all that has been lost, from human values ??to the pleasure of silence. Feelings that elevate the soul, which make you a custodian of a territory in which you feel an integral part, in the maximum of naturalness, in the serenity that perhaps had been forgotten.

  • Indirizzo: Loc. Stazzo La Cerra - SS 133 Tempio - Palau km 12,500
  • Località: Tempio Pausania
  • tel +39 347.5606462
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