domenica 9 marzo 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Easter in Sardinia

santa teresa

Easter in Sardinia
Sardinia as you have not been able to even imagine !!! Come to Santa Teresa Gallura, immersed in the wonders of a charming area, between sea and Outback, Traditions and Culture, with an offer not to be missed

   - EASTER PACKAGE FROM € 79.00* (per person) -  

2 nights stay including breakfast
B & B Chez Nous (no addition)
B & b Arasulè (no addition)
B & B La Chicca di Francesca (+ € 2,00 per person)
B & b Relais de Chambre GrindiSuite (+ € 5,00 per person)
Comfort Scano (+ € 5,00 per person)

Typical menu
Restaurant Thomas (no addition)
Restaurant Marlin (no addition)
Ristorante La Lampara (+ € 5.00)

(A la carte menu 10% discount)

Welcome Drink Isola del Mirto
Free visit to the Archaeological Site Lu Brandali
Free visit to the workshop mascheras

The accommodation facilities are indicated in industry guides as among the best of Santa Teresa Gallura.
Restaurants are quoted by major guidebooks as the most qualified kitchens of the territory.

--- SOLUTION 3 NIGHTS - FROM € 22.00 PER PERSON + ---  


  Want to let us know Your needs? Do we organize your Holidays Measure! 

Book here
Randa Tour 0789.754544 visit website
Sardorama 0789.754464 visit website
or write to

* Offer NON-REFUNDABLE, changeable with a penalty of € 30 + Any fare adjustment.

Request more info
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  • Enter the captcha code
  • (*) Fields marked with an asterisk are required.
  • email:
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 0789.754544 +39 0789.754464
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