mercoledì 5 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Visit Bonifacio Corsica

Port of Corsica Bonifacio

Visit Bonifacio Corsica
You can organize a weekend visit to the two beautiful towns overlooking the Straits of Bonifacio.
Discover here the rates for an experience between Sardinia and Corsica, to discover how many and what are the historical and traditional aspects that bind these two goals divided by one of the most attractive part of the Mediterranean sea.
Here to follow schedules Saremar departures. For routes Moby see website

Scheduled departures

Santa Teresa Gallura: * 8,00 hours - from 11.15 to 17.00
Bonifacio: hours * 9.30 - 15.30 - 18.30

* Guaranteed service even in case of strike
©Intour Project - sant'Antonio di Gallura (OT) p.iva 02429980903 c.f. RCCBTS68D43B354H
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