mercoledì 5 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Paola Buioni

important representative of WWF

Paola Buioni
Paola Buioni has long been the soul of the WWF.
It led memorable campaigns for environmental protection and focuses, together with partners, for the Establishment of the Oasis Marina and the Park of the Strait.
Paola Buioni teresina lives in the countryside, in the green of nature that has always considered one of the most important assets of humanity, often "too abused and insulted," he says.
He rears goats and cultivating medicinal plants from which derived oils and soaps with the essences of acacia Mediterranean.
It organizes excursions and cultural, writes poems and novels in Gallura and dreams for his country a future of sustainable tourism, with the promotion of local products for a healthy return to the land, not only as an environmental value, but also as cultural richness.
Cartographer for passion, Paola Buioni has made a historic town house and territorial paper called "Sippi of Entu", working on the research of the original names of the ancient coast reported on this product which remains one of the paper's most significant and of Gallura 'island.
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