mercoledì 5 febbraio 2025
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Donatella Bianchi

the figure of the human and cultural importance

Donatella Bianchi
Donatella Bianchi
"The work took me to Santa Teresa Gallura, the heart has made me stay. I lost my head in that world Color drenched in salt, beaten by the mistral, and the winter warmed by the enchantment of the turquoise sea in the summer, a pearl of rare beauty with a strong soul. A world that will be my son, born after his father among the giants of Capo Testa. And 'one of the places where you have to go at least once in a lifetime ".

Donatella Bianchi is a familiar face on TV and his image is strongly linked to the environment and tourism, so that from this in 2015 was chosen to represent the highest office of the Italian WWF.
His brilliant career is the result of the perfect fusion of the great passions that always accompany it: the nature, and the sea in particular, with journalism. Sent and presenter RAI, also known as "sea Woman", Donatella Bianchi has conducted numerous radioteleviisivi programs successful, from Clear Variable at TGR Italian Agriculture by Feel the mountain (RadioUno) that leads to the Blue Line since 1994, became a historic event the RaiUno Saturday, one of Italy split the sea, of the places and its people.
There are numerous collaborations with trade publications and general, a dense popularizer activities rewarded with prestigious awards, including honorary distinction of Commander of the Order "Merit of the Italian Republic", the appointment of Ustica Academic since 2009, awarded by 'International Academy of Underwater Sciences and Techniques, the appointment in 2010 of "Ambassador of biodiversity" by the Ministry of Environment.

During the assignment of the post of President of WWF Italy, Donatella Bianchi issued a statement which specified the great satisfaction, but at the same time also the great responsibility of this important recognition.
"I am honored to take on this role at an important time for the Italian WWF in the national and international context - he said Donatella Bianchi - and I enthusiastically accepted this role with the desire to put at the service my experience to sensitize a wider audience on that through the WWF can participate in a large project for the protection and preservation of the planet and implement solutions that often it is in our hands. I would also defeat the general indifference and especially policy towards the sea, an immense wealth of biodiversity in grave danger and that we all depend and which are linked to personal and professional history. In these 50 years much it has been done to protect the land of bears, wolves, wildlife parks that are still in need of attention: in addition to these challenges, my commitment is to enhance and protect what keeps the mare nostrum, from small coastal communities to the many researchers, from species such as dolphins and whales to the wonderful expanses of sea grass that represent our submerged Amazon. With WWF I hope to help promote the Mediterranean as the cradle of an environmental culture of the new millennium. WWF also imagine the future will increasingly influential in responding to the growing demand of environment and protection of biodiversity that comes from the younger generation, transforming them from digital natives 'environmental natives': they want to dedicate our best efforts to deliver a planet better, where the value of nature is finally recognized. " (From

Donatella Bianchi, the figure of the human and cultural importance and heritage for the whole country is Italy, Santa Teresa Gallura a showpiece to show off, as the wonders that Mother Nature has wanted to give to this corner of Sardinia.
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