mercoledì 5 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Tomaso Imperio

fondatore del Gruppo folk Lungoni

Tomaso Imperio
The figure of Tomaso Imperio is strongly linked to Santa Teresa Gallura and, specifically, the Folk Group Lungoni that from 1970 takes you around Italy and the world the name and traditions of this town.
The Folk Group Lungoni arises when the town was still in the early days of organized tourism and structured that today characterizes Santa Teresa Gallura, finding immediately a great success which will be structured on a large number of dancers.
In its ranks there will be experts and connoisseurs of art folk Gallura, but also small levers, girls and boys that will ensure long life to this important sector of the local tradition.
The numerous and widespread performances that enliven the streets and theaters of Italy and of Europe, will find great participation, thus providing in Santa Teresa Gallura fame and appreciation.
Tomaso Imperio is one of the main proponents of this important fact, from its birth to the present day, before promoting his creation, then working for the development and improvement is an artistic, both in qualitative key, a growing group of enthusiasts the traditional dance, its music, its history.
The work spent on the golf Tomaso Imperio therefore doubly significant value, since combines the importance of local traditions to the power of communication and territorial promotion that are inherent in these popular expressions.
Today the efforts made by Tomaso commitment is even greater, as it is always a high risk of seeing a dispersed heritage so important.
To this end are constant and frequent meetings promoted by the Folk Group Lungoni to keep this tradition alive and shared, so that it can be received and transferred to the younger generation, continuing to be so that important vehicle of values ​​of a territory, a people and of its history.
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