martedì 25 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Atlantik III

beautiful traditional wooden gulet of 24 mt.

Atlantik III
Atlantik III is a traditional wooden 24 mt gulet, two masts, designed for a comfortable cruise for 10 guests in 5 large double cabins with private toilet, shower and air conditioning.
A Turkish gulet is a very fascinating boat, handmade by expert craftsmen.
A competent crew will take you to discover amazing places like the famous Arcipelago della Maddalena or Southern Corsica, where turquoise water meets an ancient history nestled in stunning landscapes.
The gulet is perfect for relaxing during a weekly cruise, for daily tours for all the family, for funny parties or typical dinners during beautiful sunsets.
In the stern, well shaded with a big table and a very comfortable sofa, can stay over 20 persons.
The sun mattresses on the bow area are made for a comfortable cruise and they can be used during the navigation, too.
An equipped bar, a kitchen, water games and a 5 meters inflatable boat are available for our guests.
On demand we organize customized tours, private parties, dinners, daily tours.
We also propose custom daily tours with an 8 meters inflatable boat, with a 200 Hp Yamaha engine, with an expert driver.
Sardinia is a real paradise, share with us your ideas and your wishes, we want to help you to create your perfect holiday!
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Porto di Santa Teresa di Gallura
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 346.3381590 +39 348 3027146
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