venerdì 7 marzo 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Consorzio delle Bocche

hiking along a coastline surprising

Consorzio delle Bocche
Aboard modern motorboats Consorzio delle Bocche port visit to one of the most amazing corners of the Mediterranean, islands and coastlines of unique beauty, for an unforgettable experience!
Super-equipped and very comfortable motor vessels of the Consorzio delle Bocche organize day trips on routes between Santa Teresa Gallura, the extreme northern tip of Sardinia, the archipelago of La Maddalena with its enchanting islands and the beautiful Costa Smeralda.
The service takes place from April to October, to serve all types of customers, to accompany her to discover places of extraordinary charm, where the views that remain etched in photographs tell of a land unique, for its colors, its nature, the clear water and long white beaches.

This north coast of Sardinia, this Gallura home to international tourism, seen from the sea is a sight not to be missed!
Once in Santa Teresa Gallura make reservations this day, remain among the best memories of your holiday!
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 0789.755112 Cell. +39 338.2039771
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