martedì 25 febbraio 2025
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Marco Polo2 excursions to sea

enchanting archipelago of La Maddalena

Marco Polo2 excursions to sea
A day dedicated entirely to the sea, on board the Marco Polo2, is an experience not to be missed in the living room of Gallura.
Andrea and his staff accompany the discovery of glimpses of an amazing beauty, to ply the emerald green waters of the Archipelago of Maddalena, to admire her pearls, from Spargi in Budelli, Razzoli and Santa Maria on a path that is a absolute delight.
Having fallen in this fabulous sea, the lunch hour is to sample on board are seafood specialties for lunch that becomes an unforgettable moment.
The just relax a bit 'of sun and rest, then another dip, perhaps with a mask and snorkel, to gaze at the extraordinary waters rich in fish and shellfish, in a fantastic game of colors, lights and shadows...
Marco Polo2 is to spend a day to tell and tell, that is the pinnacle of great holiday Gallura!
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Via XX Settembre, 16
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 +39 0789.754942 - +39 393.9237808
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