martedì 25 febbraio 2025
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Mare Lughente - In Fish We Trust!

Excursions and trips by sea

Mare Lughente - In Fish We Trust!
A day aboard Mare Lughente, a boat Rampage 36, equipped with two Caterpillar engines of 370 horses, is an unforgettable experience, not only for the holiday, but for the rest of his life!
He is Andrea Piazza, his passion is the sea. His companion of every day is this boat, Mare Lughente that, as the name he wanted to give, care with the utmost care, with the love that you feel for a few things in the world, to keep it so, nice and shiny, because it can be worthy of this extraordinary sea, for a combination of beauty and desire to life.
Aboard Mare Lughente, Andrea goes to discover corners of Gallura unique, unparalleled splendor, approaching the islands of the Maddalena, its beaches, its views, with that delicacy which is used for the precious things, rare, of extreme value, because these places Andrea loves them as himself, as his boat Mare Lughente, as his job.

And with all that load of joy, he is given the full knowledge of what the eyes of his friends are guests to gaze at, sail every day from the port of Longosardo at a time of ever new visions, new colors, new lights, new degrees emotions.
Andrea organizes excursions along routes classic or "off course", or at the request of the customer, with whom he compares to study and optimize the excursion.
And for those who love fishing there is nothing better than Mare Lughente. Equipped with radar, depth sounder, GPS and professional equipment, complete with livewell, Mare Lughente offers memorable days, the socket with fishing expeditions drifting or trolling for bluefin tuna, to return with prey to capture shots in envy! The stay in Gallura is not possible without a day with Andrea aboard Mare Lughente, if you want the holiday to be remembered for exciting moments and strong participation.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: porto di Longosardo
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel + 39 339 3269746
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