martedì 25 febbraio 2025
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Rental and boat trips Baia di Ulisse

with two separate programs and itineraries

Rental and boat trips Baia di Ulisse
Baia di Ulisse is located on the beautiful harbor town of Porto Pozzo and is a qualified reference for the dinghy rental service, with or without driver.
Baia di Ulisse, using partnerships with qualified companies, provides numerous other services such as storage and repair boats, taxis, mini-cruises, pontoon berths.

In summer, on board the speedboat Ulisse, organizes sightseeing tours in the National Park of La Maddalena and Corsica, with two separate programs and itineraries.

Itinerary Maddalena
starting from 10:00 am and arriving in Porto Pozzo Casings at 10.20 around to see the beautiful Spiaggia Rosa and swimming, with stop and swim from the boat.
Departure for the Island of Santa Maria with landing on the beach and stop for about 2 hours.
Next stop Spargi Island with sightseeing tour and stop at the beach until about 16.30. Return to Porto Pozzo pre 17:00.

Itinerary Corsica
10.00 from Porto Pozzo direction Lavezzi Island, arriving around 10:30 am, landing on the beach and two hours of parking.
Return by boat to reach the island of Cavallo with scenic ride to continue along the ridge of Bonifacio and Cave, landing and stopping for an hour and a half about Bonifacio.
Reboarding and towards Isola Piana, landing and parking at the beach until about 16:15 and return to Porto Pozzo for 17.00.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Loc. Porto Pozzo Marina
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 339.6320330 - +39 339.7671394
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