martedì 25 febbraio 2025
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Tours and rental North West Porto Pozzo

a perfect address for those who love the sea

Tours and rental North West Porto Pozzo
North West Porto Pozzo is a perfect address for those who love the sea.
North West Porto Pozzo is more than 25 years a reference for a memorable day on boats that ply these waters crystal clear with the delicacy and love for the things you carry in their hearts, like these marine views are able to feel emotions and sensations unique.
With North West Porto Pozzo is part of the discovery of the Maddalena archipelago aboard the North West II who replaced after a long and glorious history, the "good old" North West.
This 20 meters embarking a small number of passengers, because the vision of places of pure enchantment, can be the perfect frame of a perfect day "between friends", enhanced by inviting dishes of penne pasta with mussels and shrimp, of megaporzioni mussels marinara, washed down with white wine and, in closing, to be a good myrtle and coffee.
The warmth and friendliness of the commander (and cook) are the final touch to put this day among the best memories of the holiday in Sardinia.

North West Porto Pozzo is also boat rental service to go on a visit to the islands of La Maddalena, or to Lavezzi and islands rides, discovering coves accessible only by sea.
Plow through these crystalline waters and pristine, immersed in a wild paradise of contrasts, is an indescribable, a page unforgettable stay Gallura.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Porto Pozzo Marina - presso pontili ormeggio Sintonia
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 339.2074966
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