venerdì 7 marzo 2025
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Asini si nasce… e io lo nakkui – Gallura

Cultural Association and Social Promotion in Arzachena

Asini si nasce… e io lo nakkui – Gallura
A truly unique experience that combines the well-being of the most natural elements, animals and nature, with the beauty and history of a land that stretches between sea and land, in a dream setting! With Veronica and Libera you enter a fairytale world, in company with their most trusted and faithful friends, those donkeys that tell part of the long history of this land, its people, its ancient traditions.
The Cultural Association and Social Promotion Non-Profit Asini si nasce ... ed io lo nakkui - Gallura aims to spread the knowledge of the activities with donkeys, safeguarding and protecting the species. The association intends to operate in the field of activities assisted with animals, in accordance with the Guidelines governing the category. The interventions have a recreational-recreational and socialization purpose, through which the improvement of the quality of life and the correct human-animal interaction are promoted. Here the relationship with the animal is a source of knowledge, of sensory and emotional stimuli; these activities are aimed at individuals or groups of individuals.

Why the choice of the donkey?
A return to the past in which the donkey, in Gallura, as in the rest of Sardinia, played a fundamental role, not only as a means of transport and work, but also as a faithful companion of man. The rediscovery of this animal is also the rediscovery and enhancement of a long tradition that has continued since ancient times until recently. The donkey, sweet, curious, intelligent, empathetic, lover of cuddles and with a zero aggressiveness rate, is particularly suitable to undertake activities assisted with animals for people who have relational, emotional and emotional difficulties.
It is, in fact, an animal with highly developed senses and endowed with a particular intelligence that requires the establishment of a relationship with the one who is close to it. It is this very empathetic fact that in a short time the donkey identifies any user deficits and behaves accordingly, showing himself patient and understanding.

The association proposes the following activities

• management and care of the animal;
• recreational-leisure;
• onotrekking;
• somated archaeological excursion

Management and care: the purpose is to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for proper interaction with the donkey and for the care of the same. You learn to take on the special needs of a creature with specific needs and needs, to be responsible for the commitments undertaken by spending time outdoors, exercising and socializing.

Recreational and recreational activities: you work individually or in groups, performing exercises and organizing games. Exercises and games are performed by everyone according to their abilities and their pleasure. It is played in a peaceful, welcoming, affective environment, where the presence of the donkey constantly creates funny, funny, new and stimulating situations. The relationship with the donkey is never a performance.

Onotrekking (trekking with donkey): it is a fascinating and suggestive way to awaken old sensations that only the contact with the animal and the sharing of the path by its side can give, retracing ancient and new paths of the Gallura countryside. The times of trekking with donkeys, in fact, are different from a "human" trek, simply because donkeys dictate times and pauses along the way.

Somated archaeological excursion: it is proposed to combine the gentle, safe, reliable and short-lived mobility of the someggiated excursion, the visit to two of the most fascinating archaeological monuments of Sardinia nuragica: the nuragic village of Prisgiona and the giants tomb of Coddu Vecchiu, both located in the Municipality of Arzachena, in Capichera, a short distance from the headquarters of the association. The aim is to enhance a valuable cultural heritage of our Gallura through the mediation of an animal that is a symbol of our territory. 

The activities proposed by the association are aimed at a very broad target, which includes preschoolers up to adults of the third age. The proposed activities are aimed at individuals, groups, families, school groups, communities for the elderly, but also in communities of therapeutic hospitalization. All this is made possible by the peculiarities of the donkey. It is essential to remember that the approach with the donkey is not performing, it is not therefore loaded with expectations and tensions aimed at carrying out the activity. All that is obtained is the result of an empathic connection between man and the animal, a communication that takes place in the absence of words, and is built through bodily contact.
The main objective that these activities aim to achieve is the achievement of a sense of happiness and the rediscovery of positive feelings.

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