martedì 25 febbraio 2025
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Erma Taxi

transfer service in Gallura 24h

Erma Taxi
Erma Taxi offers a punctual and efficient low cost taxi service, operating 24 hours a day. Operates on the Gallura territory for transfers to and from ports and tourist airports, for the connection with the beaches, to and from Porto Cervo and all the localities of the Costa Smeralda, to and from the embarkations for trips and excursions to the islands of La Maddalena and Corsica, for discos and night clubs as well as for emergencies of any kind.
With a good knowledge of the territory we can provide detailed information about nuragic and archaeological sites, monuments and natural sites, lakes, ancient villages and, in general, places of tourist interest in Gallura.
Courtesy and availability are characteristics that distinguish Erma Taxi's service, to better enjoy your holiday in Sardinia, in the name of comfort and carefreeness.

For info or booking

  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Via Marconi 10
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
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