domenica 22 dicembre 2024
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Free Mobility Rental Service

young dynamic business services to tourists

Free Mobility Rental Service
Free Mobility is a young dynamic service activities for tourists who opens his window along the main access to the center of Santa Teresa Gallura.
The City Bike, for those who love the ride, and the Benelli Gio, driven by an electric motor, are brand new and perfect for outdoor living and freely holiday.
In full view of the entrance of Free Mobility, as well as City Bike and Electric Bikes, Scooters 125cc also for lovers of motorized vehicles that allow, in a short time, to reach beaches and places of attraction in the area.
Free Mobility is also a Taxi and NCC 24 hours 24, with connections to all destinations, in cars roomy and super comfortable.
Free Mobility is the perfect choice to organize excursions in northern Sardinia, transfer to Port and Airport, and to live wonderful days of full sea with Mini cruises in the Archipelago of La Maddalena off the coast of Corsica.
Free Mobility Rental Service is an address to keep in memory, guarantee an efficient and professional service for a holiday in total serenity, for short hires a day, up to longer periods.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Via Nazionale, 6
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel + 39 0789.755587 cell. +39 348.7917603
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