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Download Your App Santa Teresa Gallura

Your App to experience the best of Gallura, the Gallura more attractive, more fun, the Hospitality, Taste, Fun, Craft ... History of the Gallura, the Gallura Traditions, Gallura of Culture, the Gallura Environment, Gallura Responsible Tourism, Sustainable Tourism!
Download the application from the Apple store and Google and live the Gallura, a beautiful corner of Sardinia, a favorite destination for international tourists!
With the APP SANTA TERESA GALLURA TURISMO have the Gallura in Your hand, Your Smartphone and Tablet become Your personalized guide to enter the history of places, including beaches, churches and museums, ancient palaces and monuments along the squares and streets that tell of a unique beauty and hospitality of an ancient culture and its great traditions, but also to discover an unknown Gallura, secret, told by its old who are the most authentic and most beautiful memory of a people.
All this and much more you can get it on your phone, on your iPod, on your tablet, with the App Santa Teresa Gallura Turismo, the application that takes you to discover the best hotels and restaurants, meeting places and fun, artisans that tell with their dexterity and ingenuity traditions of a territory, of glimpses through organized excursions by sea and land, Dating, the festivals, the festivals that make you get into the local life ... Everything simply, lightly, with fun with ease, with Your App!
Download it on your Smartphone and Tablet, is free, is updated, it is YOUR !!
  • App Santa Teresa Gallura
    to guide you to the best of Gallura!
    the most practical and convenient Help in Your hands, practical, up to date, complete ... and light! On Your Smartphone and Tablet APP SANTA TERESA GALLURA will get to know better...
    Published on: 06/16/2015
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