domenica 9 marzo 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Immobiliare L'Usignolo

with long experience in the field

Immobiliare L'Usignolo
In the real estate market since 1990,  The Immobiliare l'Usignolo is a guarantee of the best service, thanks to the professionalism that distinguishes the service from technical experts in the field and deep knowledge of the market area.
A serious advice and expertise are at the base of the right investment, both for their homes, either for a holiday home in order to live in freedom the summer holiday, and not just in the heart of Sardinia Tourism.
The  Immobiliarel'Usignolo  offers of various solutions, from the small studio to the ultra-luxury villa, is located in downtown Santa Teresa Gallura, both in coastal areas, a step away from the clear water and long stretches of white sand.
The Immobiliarel'Usignolo estate is also the sale of business premises and plots of land.
The website allows you to view all the proposals of the Immobiliare l'Usignolo, constantly updated to find the right solution.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Via P. Marielli, 2
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 0789.754827 - +39 360.509470 - fax +39 178.2741917
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