mercoledì 22 gennaio 2025
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Immobiliare Prince

advice and expertise in real estate

Immobiliare Prince
An effective method of operation which provides high quality in the performance of the profession, allows Immobiliare Prince to be the proper relationship and partner ideal that integrates market opportunities, information and tools needed to complete real estate transactions with success and customer satisfaction .
Prince Real Estate operates in Gallura, with offices in Tempio and Santa Teresa Gallura, with the aim to facilitate the matching of supply and demand.

Able to carry out more extensive and qualified range of services and advice in real estate, providing technical assistance contract until the notarial deed, the agency Immobiliare Prince has engaged in thorough and careful selection of countless apartments to be allocated to summer rentals, with particular care in the selection of what this market in order to offer customized solutions and to the best of convenience, for domestic and foreign customers that choose Gallura for their holidays or for the right investment.
Numerous properties of various types, from simple two-room apartment furnished with care, Luxury villa, located both in urban centers as well as along the coast, are always present among offers agency, all supported by qualified and highly professional.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: via don Francesco Tedde, 6
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 349.1323745
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