domenica 9 marzo 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Just Sardinia

company dynamic, young and highly reliable

Just Sardinia
Young and dynamic company that has years of experience in the transport sector, with a complete range of services that puts it at the center of a large and diverse clientele, and preferred reference of the best travel agencies and tour operators in the area and beyond for the organization of tours, mini tours and national and international tours, transfer from 9 to 54 seats.
The large fleet allows us to offer quality at prices much interesting.
Just Sardinia is also taxi service ports and airports, Business Services, Car representation, Transfer individual or collective, with the utmost security, tranquility and privacy.
Just Sardinia is also car with solutions of limited or unlimited mileage, with discounts that can reach up to 40% for those who rent a car for a period from four days.
The possibility to rent the car directly at the airport which is the port of Olbia, allows for maximum comfort to achieve, relaxing, resort destination.
There is, moreover, also scooter of different types.
The assistance that Just Sardinia extends customer care and also about putting in perfect condition of each vehicle, the external and internal hand washing, cleaning and washing the seats, the body waxing, sanitation of air conditioning.
For terms and conditions, discounts and promotions in place a Call Center is available every day at No. 0789.754343
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: via Maria Teresa, 60
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 0789.754343 - +39 338.8964529 - +39 340.8582222
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