martedì 25 febbraio 2025
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Le Case d'Amare

to organize your holidays or make the right investment

Le Case d'Amare
Le Case d'Amare is the Realtor ideal to organize your holidays or make the right investment in the territory of the most coveted Sardinia. Here in Gallura, and throughout the area north of the island, there are many properties available to suit every need and Le Case d'Amare has, in its proposals, the solutions are more just to spend wonderful holidays on the sea the most beautiful in the Mediterranean, the best offers for the purchase of a house, including mono / bifocal or prestigious villas and houses in the most varied between the sea and inland, various types and needs.
Le Case d'Amare welcomes in its headquarters in Porto Pozzo, along the main street of the town, a few minutes from Santa Teresa and in an area of ??great environmental and landscape value.
The manager Claudia Horns will be pleased to show you all the possibilities, including rentals and sales of properties pretty and well cared for, from the Gulf of Asinara Archipelago of Maddalena, from Olbia to San Teodoro, the Emerald Coast in Santa Teresa Gallura to find views Sardinia's beautiful, by known tourist centers to small towns less known as San Pasquale and Ruoni, in direct contact with the crystalline sea of ??Gallura or immersed in beautiful natural colors and smells this piece of paradise!
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Via Aldo Moro 30, Loc. Porto Pozzo
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 335.6427682 +39 338.2115941
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