domenica 9 marzo 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Randa Tour

an institution for the Gallura with a presence in over thirty

Randa Tour
Randa Tour, with its thirty years of presence on the territory, is an institution for the Gallura, thanks to the quality and variety of services offered.
Operating under the Real Estate and Travel Agency since 1984 with the direct management of villas and apartments placed in the far north of Sardinia.
It plays the Ticket and maritime and is a reference point for hikes and tours in the surrounding area.
With a seat located near the historic center of Santa Teresa Gallura, Randa Tour is a guarantee of reliability and professionalism for holidays assisted in every way, being able to choose between a range of accommodation to suit every budget, functional and modern furniture, located in various positions of both the town and not far from the sea, is adjacent to the sea or in the woods.
Randa Tour is for sure the best service, price affordable to holiday in comfort and relaxation.
Randa Tour also takes care of tickets ship, being able to realize, on request, packages very attractive both in terms of travel and hospitality, both in terms of related services, from excursions by boat, to visit the hinterland and its sites of historical and natural interest.
By Randa Tour you can rest easy, relaxed and serene, guarantee more than thirty years of history!
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: via Eleonora d'Arborea
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 0789.754544 - + 39 348.4062208
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