martedì 25 febbraio 2025
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Canne al Vento Cafè

in his name, a destiny of pure excellence

Canne al Vento Cafè
His fate has always been to represent, for the Gallura territory, a real institution.
Until the 90 Canne al Vento boasted a prestigious position in the national gastronomic panorama for its high quality cuisine, with a long history full of successes and awards.
His glorious name today is actualized and is part of a more modern context and trend, to offer a wide range of solutions ranging from breakfast to Lunch aperitif, to finish with after-dinner drink at the end of a busy day in one of the most fascinating places of Sardinia, what is Santa Teresa Gallura.
a popular meeting point for young and old, opens its doors on the main street of Santa Teresa Gallura, one that leads to the historic center of the town.
The passion and enthusiasm of Cecco and his Canne al Vento Cafe staff have been able to attract a growing clientele, thanks to the painstaking work aimed at identifying and proposing the best products of the island and beyond.

Reeds in the Wind at the breakfast is ... '' Cool ''
From early in the morning you will find a smile in front of a large array of fresh croissants to accompany coffee and cappuccinos prepared with the right mix selected by the barmen.

Reeds in the Wind at the Lunch is ... '' Delicious ''
Where the quality of products and strictly expressed preparation are the right combination, to propose a simple cuisine but at the same time, care and good taste.

Reeds in the Wind at the aperitif is ... '' Alternative ''
For a new concept of aggregation to live, to scioprire ....
the best time of day to let emotions, talking with friends in a fun and serene environment, tasting the extensive buffet accompanied by the house cocktail.

Welcome to Canne al Vento, a meeting between history and modernity!
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