martedì 25 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

L'Isola che non c'è

in the countryside, in the direction

L'Isola che non c'è
L'Isola che non c'è is a complex of about 10,000 square meters of greenery, of which 8,000 in the green with garden and gazebo with 8 chairs and tables for theme nights like, Seadas Festival and Festival of the Boar where they are prepared for typical Sardinian cuisine at reasonable prices, all accompanied by music during the evenings. open from June to September, the complete games as Park: Trampoline, Inflatable games, slide and swing for a pleasant evening with family or friends.
The second part is devoted to the colorful Garden with a thousand flowers and plants for sale that are beautiful display in the 2,000 square meters of greenhouses, divided by section, including aromatic plants, annual flowers, shrubs and fruit trees, cacti or whatever, an ecstasy of scents and aromas.
Open all the year.
  • chiusura settimanale: Aperto tutto l'anno
  • Indirizzo: Loc. Li Lucianeddi
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 348.0704992
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