mercoledì 22 gennaio 2025
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Rally Terra Sarda

5, 6 and 7 December

Rally Terra Sarda
Porto Cervo and the Racing Team returns to the Mediterranean event awaited by all lovers of the four-wheeler, the Rally Terra Sarda now in its fourth edition. It takes place on 4, 5 and 6 December to cover about 350 kilometers in total, with 97 and 10 timed special stages of pure technique for a show guaranteed and the fun of the usual large audience.
December 5 is the day of the debut of this event considered among the most interesting of the regional rally season.
Sponsored by Sardinia Region Tourism Department, the Rally Terra Sarda runs along the streets of the most remote of the splendid Gallura, on a path that connects the coast to the hinterland.
Eight municipalities affected, from Arzachena to Tempio, Calangianus Aglientu, from Luogosanto in Sant'Antonio di Gallura, from Aggius Luras, along a route that is a perfect mix of sliding tests and demanding to be covered twice, with a wide variety of terrain.

Friday, December 4 scrutineering and sports in the heart of Arzachena, where the Rally will start and end.
Saturday, December 5th two special stages, the more technical Luogosanto - Aglientu, the most spectacular that will enter the center of Tempio.
Following the special stages of Calangianus night with a reorganization in Cork City and interviews with arrival in the square of Arzachena.
Sunday 6 will be the turn of the Costa Smeralda with the last two trials involving the centers of Porto Cervo Abbiadori.
"Each edition allows us to discover unreleased tracks and steps, through uncharted territory with the intent to manufacture a circuit that meets the expectations of the pilots", are the words of the president of the team Mauro Atzei, "at the same time it is exciting to draw inspiration from landscapes in which they are immersed, drawing a road book that gives satisfaction. "
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