domenica 9 marzo 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Sardinia Ferries up to 40% discount

winter 2015 (promotion expired)

Sardinia Ferries up to 40% discount
Sardinia Ferries, with its fleet of 13 ships, offering discounts of up to 40% residents of Sardinia for the entire period of the Holiday Season.
The super offer is valid for bookings made from December 7th, 2015 to January 7, 2016, for travel from December 7, 2015 to January 10 in 2016.
The discounted rate is aimed at families, and also applied to spouses / cohabitant and / or children and / or dependent children of the Sardinians on the same ticket. Discounts are applied to the price, exclusive of taxes and charges, of passengers, cabins and vehicles (cars, motorcycles and camper vans), excluding trailers. I am obviously not included in the promotion meals, insurance and other services.
The promotion is subject to specific conditions, and is valid within the limit of available seats.

For reservations and information: 199 400 500 Central Reservations.
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