domenica 9 marzo 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Hotel La Coluccia****

a set of beauty in perfect harmony

Hotel La Coluccia****
The Coluccia is a philosophy, is the exclusive in its most noble.
The Coluccia the first Boutique Hotel of Design in Sardinia.
With its breathtaking view of the island of La Maddalena Archipelago Spread manages every time to fill a charm.
For guests of Coluccia, the room "Best Of", ie the most exclusive and spacious hotel, it is definitely the Junior Suite N ° 43.
The services that are offered to the guest of La Coluccia are of high quality and professionalism , for the best combination of Wellness Coaches and pure relaxation, in the frame of one of the most picturesque and elegant areas of Sardinia.
The Coluccia Lifestyle, Coluccia & Art, Events, the beach, the pool and the wedding, the wellness center and the restaurant, in a combination of beauty and harmony.
This is La Coluccia. And much more ...
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Loc. Conca Verde
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 0789 758006
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