martedì 25 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

L'Osteria di Porto Pozzo

a landing place not to be missed

L'Osteria di Porto Pozzo
L'Osteria di Porto Pozzo is a haven not to be missed, a good place to fish lovers who arrives daily in the kitchens of this pretty place, from the coast of Gallura.

Along the main street of Porto Pozzo, in the direction of Palau, on the left you are captured by the white / blue small simple building that houses the restaurant.
Once past the entrance, the immediate idea of ??freshness and goodness of the fish cooked, presented on trays that release all the goodness of the fish.
The warm welcome and pleasant environment that develops on the pleasant outdoor terraces are the ideal setting for a cuisine that speaks of tradition and classic recipes, where simplicity and attention are guaranteed genuine taste and healthy eating.

The Osteria is known for the crude that is interpreted and proposed in many different ways, from Sardinia to scampi tartare and carpaccio of sea bass, the bluefin tuna yellowtail, mussels truffles, the razor clams with prawns and ending with curls Porto Pozzo.
"Appetizer Osteria" is the perfect range to open a time of great cuisine, which reflects the daily offering of the sea, as it were, from the fisherman to the table. Following the first, among the various, homemade noodles with seafood, rutting and spaghetti with sea urchins.
Seconds as the fish soup (ziminu of pesciu) and the grilled fish and shellfish but also the fish cooked in the oven, salt, grilled.
The homemade desserts are a fitting end to an evening well spent.
Seasonal opening

  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Viale Aldo Moro, 31 - Strada per Santa Teresa Gallura
  • Località: Loc. Porto Pozzo
  • tel 338.2336695
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