martedì 25 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

restaurant Pizzeria La Lampara

Table by the Sea ...

restaurant Pizzeria La Lampara
From Sea to the table is the slogan of this place that is parked at the top of the food Teresina for quality and tradition.
Restaurant Pizzeria La Lampara is a guarantee of authenticity and goodness in all its scope and is positioned near the tunnel leading to the port.
The kitchen focuses on the seafood with fresh fish that Dalmazio, a man of long experience in the restaurant, well partnered by his son Enzo, choose and buy every day.
The two cozy terraces are ideal on sunny summer days and evenings and join their dining rooms with a total capacity of about 150 seats.
Among the dishes on the menu indicates a delicious plate of seafood appetizers, the rut with lobster, the fritto misto.
The service pizzeria, depending both lunch and dinner, offers a rich menu of specialties that combine with classic pizzas.
Wines are regional and national, for the perfect food and wine pairings.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Via Sandro Pertini
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 0789.741093 - +39 333.6001557
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