martedì 25 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Ristorante S’Andira

historical restaurant of Excellence of Gallura

Ristorante S’Andira
S'Andira restaurant is an institution, a beautiful story about passion and love for the good food.
S'Andira located in Santa Reparata, near Capo Testa, a promontory that extends and rests in a crystal clear sea, in the most striking of Santa Teresa Gallura, where the beaches are small beads that slope to the sea, talking about poetry, music, charm.
The specialties presented in the menu are the perfect balance between tradition and contemporary research.
Mediterranean-style cuisine, refined and discreet at the same time, revised and of great individuality.
A kitchen that favors the use of ingredients rigorously notch, to dishes prepared simply to guarantee a healthy diet. S'Andira is the pleasure of serving at the table authenticity and freshness, to find every year a customer who has become "family people", for the pleasure to welcome and serve it with style and warmth, with a renewed joy, with the awareness of a job that has to offer emotions and sensations, those that only around a table you can try, in the charm of a unique place, like the one that surrounds this corner of Sardinia, as told here, among the scents and flavors of the Restaurant S'Andira.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Loc. Santa Reparata - Via Orsa Minore, 1
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 0789.754273 - Cell. +39 347.4018287 - Fax +39 0789.754273
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