martedì 25 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Ristorante Sporting

breathtaking view of the sea ... and sea!

Ristorante Sporting
Sporting is a restaurant that has a view of the sea (and sea ...) like few others.
From the terrace, as well as from the porch, there is an area of the Bay of Santa Reparata, the first light of morning until dusk, with emotions as well, which are feast for the eyes and pleasure for the spirit.
The aperitif in the face of such beauty, the long drink after dinner become moments, as always carry.
Attached to another local body of water, this time to the pool, to stop the green into which everything is immersed in an explosion of scents that nature spreads generous.

The kitchen, genuine and fresh products, seasonal, for a healthy diet and proper, serving fish specialties with a menu that varies depending on the catch.
The friendliness of the service and courtesy are the right touch of a circle that closes in a perfect, clean, harmonious.
Restaurant Sporting is therefore an excellent solution at private parties, birthdays, receptions, ceremonies and celebrations.
Nothing can, at times, even the words, although we know the strength, because Restaurant Sporting goes a bit 'further ... where there is no story, where there are no words.
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