domenica 22 dicembre 2024
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

No Limits Center Diving Mediterraneo

with highly qualified and professional

No Limits Center Diving Mediterraneo
The No Limits Center Diving Mediterraneo is located in the port of Santa Teresa Gallura, perfect starting point for diving into the clear waters of northern Sardinia, between depths of great charm.
The Diving Centre is equipped with every comfort for the diver and draws on the expertise of highly skilled and professional.
Just 15 minutes by boat from Diving the Mediterranean, do not miss one of the most famous and impressive diving in the world, "Merouville" - The Secca of groupers of Lavezzi. "Santa Teresa Gallura, in the far north of the island, it seems almost set among the rocks and the sea is one of the rarest of contexts across the Mediterranean Secca di Porto Sino, Dry Devil's Cave of Groupers, Monte Regalo, Secca del Corallo Nero, Angelika, Cigar, Merouville ...
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: via del Porto, 16
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 0789.759026 - +39 348.8002388
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