martedì 25 febbraio 2025
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Sardinia Ars Pasella

wide exposure in the industrial area Li Lucianeddi

Sardinia Ars Pasella
Sardinia Ars Pasella is an institution for the handicraft, a beautiful long almost half a century reality.
With over 40 employees and rehearsed 15 stores in the main centers of the north coast of Sardinia, Sardinia Ars Pasella meets and welcomes its admirers in shops that tell the history of Gallura and Sardinia through its refined local craftsmanship pieces, displayed in the windows and in the shops of the main tourist areas of the island. In Santa Teresa Gallura is in the industrial area Li Lucianeddi, within a large exhibition of more than 1400 square meters that is, only for itself, visiting the beautiful resort town also known as "Lungoni".
Sardinia Ars Pasella
aspires to transform, through their passion, Sardinian handicraft objects in works from the traditional flavor that bring with them the essence of a unique land. In its products you can be identified traits and meeting points with the Catalan culture, Spanish, race, Arab; characteristics that make the handicraft something unique in the world.
Ceramics and corks Pasella are pieces of artistic creativity strictly tied to the traditions of the territory, in full respect of the culture and history of a people, to tell the origin, the events, the development of an extraordinary land. And then the knives, textiles, jewelry, wood, food...
Sardinia Ars Pasella: an encounter with the past.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Loc. Li Lucianeddi
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 0789.754320 - +39 079.661381
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