domenica 9 marzo 2025
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A.s.d. Circolo Ippico Li Nibbari

courses, trips and horseback riding

A.s.d. Circolo Ippico Li Nibbari
Riding Club Li Nibbari is the preferred reference point by horse lovers and is located adjacent to the center of Santa Teresa Gallura.
Passion, high competence and love for horses are the foundation of the success of this maneuver, now an institution for the Gallura, view the ten years of presence in the sector.
In an environment of rare beauty, between green and beautiful beaches, it is ideal for wonderful horse riding, to live in freedom intense moments that strengthen the love relationship between man, nature and horses.
Li is Nibbari Breeding, Riding Club, Riding, Pension, Training School and operates all year round, every day of the week.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Loc. La Testa
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 338.5067541
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