domenica 9 marzo 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Centro Estetico La DolceVita

maison de Beautè

Centro Estetico La DolceVita
"Why feel good with your body means to live in beauty", how to say? a few words to the wise!
The philosophy here at the Beauty Center La DolceVita - Maison de Beauté, is one that focuses on their well-being, a prerequisite for a peaceful life and joyful, where the pleasure of things passes essentially the care of your body, the Star Well with themselves.
The Aesthetic Center DolceVita - Maison de Beauté offers its customers special treatment for the face and body.
Inside a pleasant, nice and relaxing where qualified professionals perform specific and targeted treatments, such as massages, body scrubs, ultrasound and permanent hair removal.
Also he specialized in the application of semi-permanent polish, manicure treatments, beauty center La DolceVita - Maison de Beauté offers packages designed to brides "tailored" to highlight the specific characteristics, with right touches that donate personality and romance to the most awaited moment.
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