domenica 9 marzo 2025
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everything for Health and Welfare

Is for years the benchmark of choice for a wide and varied range of products for the health and well-being.
The professionalism, experience and passion of Dr. Rita Soro and the entire staff that works are made available to customers who can rely on the recommendations and to correct information that may relate to different aspects of health ' body, starting with children at an early age thanks to a specific department for children, people of all kinds, assisted with regard to the supply with gluten-free products, but also to specific diets.
In addition, a section is dedicated to dermo-cosmetics and beauty products for sun exposure and for every type of skin problem, while other areas of the store reserved homeopathy, herbal remedies, physiotherapy, with lines guaranteed by best brands.
A department of Sopharma is entirely intended for orthopedic shoes which are beautiful display of the best known brands and maximum guarantee.

The novelty is instead given by aglucidici products, a new found scientific highly effective for a ketogenic diet. Ketosis is a metabolic state of the body especially in the absence of absolutely physiological diseases.
To induce ketosis there have always been only two methods such as fasting or a diet fat and protein.
Now you can implement a system using ketogenic diet also aglucidica with products that find a dedicated space within Sopharma.
Sopharma confirms, once more, the attention and the vanguard of what is most precious to each individual, the health and well-being.

Easily accessible on the main access to the center of Santa Teresa Gallura, with convenient parking adjacent to the shop, Sopharma is open daily, from 9 am to 13.00 and from 16.00 to 20.00.
©Intour Project - sant'Antonio di Gallura (OT) p.iva 02429980903 c.f. RCCBTS68D43B354H
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