martedì 25 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Ristorante da Thomas

adjacent to the old town

Ristorante da Thomas
Thomas is a name known to Santa Teresa Gallura, especially with regard to good food.
The environment renovated, nice and pleasant, luminous in its beautiful decorated veranda to enhance the cleanliness and attention to detail, with light colors, plain and simple, ideal to sample cuisine from more business card of this place.
Simple dishes made with fresh, natural products, cooked with the passion that a board can do the diffferenza.
Besides, it could not be otherwise for a place that, among the very few in these parts, works all year round, and then had to win the trust of local customers.
And he succeeded in full, thanks to the patron Thomas (or Thomas), the staff of kitchen and dining room that juggles the best to Restaurant Thomas one of the most popular stages of Santa Teresa and the Gallura.
Fair prices, free parking on the road and on the side, adjacent to the center of the country.

  • email:
  • Indirizzo: via Val D'Aosta
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel 0789.755133 - Cel. 349.6929613
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