martedì 25 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Punto Ristoro Nuraghe Majori

an out door that is worth

Punto Ristoro Nuraghe Majori
During the visit to the Gallura, a gastronomic stop not to be missed is the Punto Ristoro Nuraghe Majori, surrounded by greenery and inserted in the historical context of the nuraghe itself, to combine culture and flavors of the territory. Roberto and his staff welcome guests in the beautiful spacious room, in an evocative environment capable of expressing all the rurality and traditions of Gallura and the land of Sardinia.
The cuisine is rich in flavors, the dishes prepared according to ancient recipes, the ingredients used are of the highest quality and certified provenance, guaranteed by careful research and selection that Roberto constantly performs.
The lunch takes on a context of harmony and serenity, either for the cordiality of the service or for the type of structure that recalls the family environment very closely, to favor sociality and the pleasure of being at the table.
Here and there you can discover local products, exhibited as in an exhibition of local flavors, small productions of artisans of taste that here in Gallura, and especially in the hinterland, are witnesses of an ancient culture still fortunately alive and lively.
A stop at the Punto Ristoro Nuraghe Majori is something more than a break in catering, something that you can only understand sitting at these tables, to taste the true flavors of local tradition, in a setting of simple beauty!
  • Indirizzo: Strada Palau Km. 2 Tempio
  • Località: Tempio Pausania
  • tel +39 320.3060634
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