lunedì 10 marzo 2025
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The fishpond of Porto Pozzo

generated from the river Liscia with the Rio Porto Pozzo

The fishpond of Porto Pozzo
It is an RIA, a stretch of coast that has one or more inlets in which penetrates the sea, in this case generated by the river Liscia that, in conjunction with the Rio Porto Pozzo and a canal that runs from San Pasquale, creates a ' marshy area where they find the perfect habitat glassworts that large patches of reddish color, giving a glance very impressive and strong appeal.
The succession of natural events, and others of human nature, have modified the design and geomorphology of this area which today combines, then, with production value, also a strong meaning of environmental character and, consequently, the tourist.

The present and the future of this small heritage Gallura is now in the expert hands of members of the Cooperative La Peschiera that, since 2006, the farming of mussels and oysters that stands at the center of this RIA, to offer them for sale at the store site along the main street of the village, but also to distribute them in the best places of the coast.
An activity that carried out by the Cooperative La Peschiera, which ensures the best care of this part of the sea, protecting his good health to maintain it over time as production and environmental richness of the territory.
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