the most practical and convenient Help in Your hands, practical, up to date, complete ... and light! On Your Smartphone and Tablet APP SANTA TERESA GALLURA will get to know better...
a terrace in the garden overlooking a clear blue sea
It stands where the promontory of Capo Testa begins to take shape and draw one of the most fascinating areas of Sardinia, halfway between two seas, a spectacle of nature ...
rooms with private bathrooms, a private entrance and equipped with every comfort, from air conditioning to satellite TV, and then telephone, minibar, safe and hairdryer ...
He draws, with its beautiful building, one of the four corners of the central Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, a meeting place and entertainment life teresina ...
S'Andira is the pleasure of serving at the table authenticity and freshness, to find every year a customer who has become "family people", for the pleasure to welcome and serve ...
recently renovated Hotel Marinaro enjoys a unique position, because adjacent to the old town, but in a quiet area and with easy access from all directions ...
There are places in Sardinia, magic and Caresi is one of them. Among the rocks, in peoca nuragica, they were practiced the rites and worshiped deities natural ...
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