domenica 9 marzo 2025
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  • » Territory Gallura

Territory Gallura

  • Sea and Sports Porto Pozzo
    eference for all lovers of the sea
    wide exposure facilitates the search and selection of Article suitable for every need, in a path that divides the different sectors...
    Published on: 11/06/2015
  • Dentaltea - Servizi odontoiatrici
    the best service for dental health
    highly qualified and specialized in various fields, from implantology to aesthetic medicine, surgery and other installation...
    Published on: 11/04/2015
  • Hotel Gnu ***
    a natural terrace of the Maddalena Archipelago
    out of the more usual routing Teresini, perched on a small hill in the upper area of the village of San Pasquale, a small village in the heart of Gallura...
    Published on: 11/03/2015
  • La Gelateria Artigianale
    many flavors and ice cream in stick
    up the scepter of genuineness, brandishing the weapon of freshness that does not offend but delight, features the laureate of the passion and professionalism...
    Published on: 11/03/2015
  • Tribe Surf
    slogan, sports and style
    not just a store, but the true essence of the sport water, perfect point of reference for enthusiasts, professionals or novice, absolutely love the sea...
    Published on: 10/30/2015
  • La Primula di Rosanna
    prodotti tipici sardi
    A casket of perfumes, an explosion of flavors, this is The Primula Rosanna. Here you will meet tradition and typicality in a mix of selected products and selected directly from Rosanna...
    Published on: 10/30/2015
  • The fishpond of Porto Pozzo
    generated from the river Liscia with the Rio Porto Pozzo
    present and future of this small heritage Gallura is now in the expert hands of members of the Cooperative La Peschiera that, since 2006, the farming of mussels and oysters...
    Published on: 09/30/2015
  • Le Case d'Amare
    to organize your holidays or make the right investment
    welcomes in its headquarters in Porto Pozzo, along the main street of the town, a few minutes from Santa Teresa and in an area of great environmental and landscape value...
    Published on: 09/28/2015
  • Breeze Bar Le Sirene
    the best solution for a moment of relax
    Ideal meeting point located on the promenade of the marina is perfect at any time of the day, from early morning for breakfast until late hour for cocktails after dinner...
    Published on: 09/28/2015
  • L'Osteria di Porto Pozzo
    a landing place not to be missed
    L'Osteria di Porto Pozzo is a haven not to be missed, a good place to fish lovers who arrives daily in the kitchens of this pretty place, from the coast of Gallura
    Published on: 09/22/2015
  • Vacanze In
    competence and professionalism in the service of tourism
    In holiday it offers housing solutions in coastal areas, as well as in urban areas, including apartments, houses and villas, for sale or for holiday rentals or for longer periods...
    Published on: 08/07/2015
  • B&b Chez Nous
    in the quiet of the Bay of Santa Reparata
    halfway between Capo Testa and the center of Santa Teresa, B & B Chez Nous is the perfect choice for a holiday immersed in the green Mediterranean and the transparency of the sea...
    Published on: 08/07/2015
  • Caffé del Mare
    Ideal at any time of the day
    Under new management, Caffe del Mare is trendy restaurant frequented at all hours of the day, able to entertain a diverse clientele including breakfast, cocktails, drinks and small kitchen...
    Published on: 08/04/2015
  • Pizzeria La Perla del Porto
    the pleasure of taste swimming pool
    it is located within the complex of the same name and is on an outdoor terrace overlooking the beautiful swimming pool, among small waterfalls and fountains...
    Published on: 07/22/2015
  • Free Mobility Rental Service
    young dynamic business services to tourists
    it is an address to keep in memory, guarantee an efficient and professional service for a holiday in total serenity!...
    Published on: 07/16/2015
  • Central Bar 80
    the center of life teresina
    a place that has always been a meeting point of people teresina that, in the summer season, it mixes the world of tourism, changing shape and appearance, with a new look...
    Published on: 07/09/2015
  • Ristorante Pizzeria Da Peppe
    with veranda on the central square
    central point of reference for cuisine served at every hour of the day, Ristorante Pizzeria Da Peppe is located directly on the main square of Santa Teresa Gallura...
    Published on: 07/09/2015
  • Restaurant Pizzeria Caffè Italiano
    new look for a new ... music!
    Local sensitively renovated, it offers high style, offering a wide range of cocktails, beers and wines to pair with salads, sandwiches and specialties which vary and which are from time to time sug...
    Published on: 07/09/2015
  • Hotel Mùita di Mari***
    the adjacent multiplex historical Teresino and 10 minutes walk from Rena Bianca
    nice and recent reality of Santa Teresa Gallura, a high international standard, elegant and functional, run by its owners, ensuring a pleasant and friendly welcome ...
    Published on: 07/07/2015
  • Hotel Comfort Scano***
    a stone's throw from the historic center of the country
    Hotel Comfort Scano rises in quiet although adjacent the center, Hotel Comfort Scano offers rooms with private bathroom, color TV and air conditioning ...
    Published on: 07/06/2015
©Intour Project - sant'Antonio di Gallura (OT) p.iva 02429980903 c.f. RCCBTS68D43B354H
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