mercoledì 22 gennaio 2025
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Archaeological site of Lu Brandali

managed by the Cultural Cooltour

Archaeological site of Lu Brandali
Inevitable stop for Santa Teresa Gallura is a visit to the archaeological site of Lu Brandali, managed by the Cultural Cooltour.
The settlement Nuragic Lu Brandali includes a nuraghe surrounded by an outer wall provided with several towers, a village consists partly of huts and partly from shelters in caves, a giant tomb and several graves in the caves not suitable to everyday life.
As regards the nuragh, visible in part, it is a construction partizolarmente imposing that articulated on staggered planes, thereby taking advantage of the inclination of the wall of the hill.
The village is spread south and east of the dolmen, outside the fortifications and reached through a passage between the rocks, the tafoni lie to the west.
The center of Lu Brandali is also home to numerous exhibitions organized by Cooltour that recall the history, traditions and environment of Sardinia
  • Indirizzo: Sito archeologico di Lu Brandali - strada per Capo Testa
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
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