mercoledì 22 gennaio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Santa Reparata

along the way to Capo Testa

Santa Reparata
It is a few minutes from the historic center of Santa Teresa Gallura, along the scenic road that climbs up to Capo Testa, in the green of lush vegetation and the sea which reflects its crystal colors.
After a few km, suprato the Nature Trail, you go left, following the signs and opens a dreamlike setting, a place that concentrates the most beautiful homes in Santa Teresa Gallura, very white villas surrounded by greenery that recall the Costa Smeralda for their design and the environment.
Here in Santa Reparata numerous beaches follow, served by restaurants that offer the right refreshment from the baths of hot sun and clear sea, for a sunbathe.
Local restaurants are among the most historic Mecca for lovers of good food, because the holiday has to be combined with the best of territory!
Do not miss visiting the beautiful church of Santa Reparata, which is also strictly white, pretty little, stop on the itinerary of faith teresina
  • Indirizzo: loc. Santa Reparata
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
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