mercoledì 22 gennaio 2025
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Porto Turistico Longosardo

the landing largest natural and comfortable in Sardinia

Porto Turistico Longosardo
The Marina Longosardo constitutes the largest natural harbor in Sardinia and comfortable, with about 700 berths; sheltered from all winds and immersed in an environment that is unequaled.
The Port Longonsardo is in a prime location for maritime links to and from Corsica.
Strategic proximity to the beautiful archipelago of La Maddalena, the Costa Smeralda and the islands corse.

At the time of Roman rule Santa Teresa Gallura (Longonis) was the first main port of Sardinia, thanks to its deep fjord that was a natural port protected. Today the port is one of the maritime centers Teresino most modern and best equipped of the whole area, the ferry terminal that daily connect Sardinia to Corsica.
It has a capacity of 750 seats in the various categories of vessels, to boats of 30-35 meters.
Facilities include site equipment with a "Travel-lift" that can pull boats up to 100 tons of displacement.
The building project of recent construction is divided into five areas: the Chiostro, the Piazza del Tempo, Vigna Marina, the Cascata, the Portici (built with natural materials such as granite and wood).

At the waterfront, overlooking the crafts, commercial, administrative, service, shops, restaurants and bars. Santa Teresa Gallura is developed on the strip of the coast of the extreme northern Sardinia, a feature with some of the most beautiful beaches on the island.
  • Indirizzo: Porto Turistico
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
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