mercoledì 22 gennaio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Visit the old town

many bars and shops for shopping

Visit the old town
A visit to the historic center of Santa Teresa Gallura is built around the two main squares, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele and Piazza San Vittorio, which flock the many streets arranged in a checkerboard.
Through Viale Maria Teresa arrive in Piazza Vittorio, where stands the Parish, the simple structure, dating back to 1838.
On the right is the large and beautiful Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, home to many shows that give body to a program of events of the most on the island.
This is the hub of the country, crowded with tourists from all over the world, overlooked by local and shops.

Through the walk of Via XX Settembre we reach the majestic Longonsardo Tower, built in the early sixteenth century by the Spaniards in a project comprising 79 other towers along the Sardinian coast guarding access to the sea.
Situated in a dominant position the beautiful beach of Rena Bianca, 1987 Blue Flag of Europe reflecting the purity of the sea that bathes the Tower Longobardo was restored in the year '80, and today also hosts cultural events and exhibitions.

The gateway to the country, taking a right onto Via the port, you reach precisely the seaport, stretched along a scenic fjord, from where there are daily ferries to the archipelago of Maddalena and Bonifacio, Corsica.
In addition there are many shipping companies, on board boats of every type and for every taste, accompanied by sea individuals or groups visiting the wonders of this natural paradise.

From here you access the Porto Longonsardo, a little gem that houses local shops in a spectacular pleasant visual impact.
Among the most modern and best equipped of the area, Porto Longonsardo has a capacity of 750 seats for various categories of vessels, up to 35 meters.
Since 2000 is the European Blue Flag, environmental award, given by the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education) to municipalities and to the landings that work to keep clean and well organized port areas.
On May 27, 2010 the port of Santa Teresa Gallura has obtained the international certification "Blue Star Marine" with the assignment of 4 Stars, issued by the 'International Marine Certification Institute (IMCI), a third body that assesses quality and services offered by marinas around the world.

  • Indirizzo: centro storico
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
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